Parenting in the modern age is immensely challenging. In a climate of ever changing parenting philosophies and expectations, parents are asked to adeptly balance careers with family life, keep their tempers low and patience high, all while raising happy and healthy kids that love every second of their childhood. It's impossible not to come up short.
Parents often come to me when they are overwhelmed and are eager for more effective strategies to cope and manage.
My aim is to provide parents with a safe place to vent their frustrations and explore solutions. While parenting can be hugely frustrating, it provides a rich and fertile ground for personal growth and self-understanding.
Some of the common themes I work with:
Compassionate Discipline
Co-parenting and improving communication between parents
New parent support
Parents of teens support
Parenting with an illness
Family Therapy:
Family therapy works with the entire family in the room together with the notion that problems do not reside just within the individual but within a larger family system. The goal is to harness the strengths of the family and to improve understanding and communication.
Some of the common themes I work with:
Family arguments
Sibling issues
Life-stages/transitions (new child, loss of job, bereavement, college, etc.)